Effective, low burden, Data Protection Impact Assessments, GDPR Impact Assessments, PECR Impact Assessments or Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) all follow the same approach. They are powerful tools that help reduce the risk of data protection breaches and the follow on costs. They help organisations meet challenges presented by GDPR , PECR and data protection legislation better by embedding “privacy by design”.
The UK-GDPR imposes stringent standards for data protection on all UK businesses and organisations be they private, public or not for profit. The penalties for breaching the legislation are huge, couple this with the frequency that breaches are reported and it is imperative that all businesses and organisations start to focus on privacy by design and privacy impact assessments.
In simple terms privacy needs to be considered at each and every stage of every policy, procedure, practice and project; that is to say a privacy impact assessment (PIA) needs to be used throughout. PIAs support privacy by design – that is to say to ensure privacy and data protection compliance is embedded from the start and compliance with data protection legislation is enhanced. Without a robust PIA, privacy and confidentially issues are often bolted on as an after-thought or even ignored altogether.
Our course explains all, it helps you understand what privacy impact assessments are, how they work, the approaches that make them robust and what is needed to make them easy to use.
For Whom
This workshop is suitable for directors, managers, staff and volunteers from business and organisations in all sectors. The day can be tailored to the codes of practice used in the private, public and voluntary sectors and tailored and reconciled with your in-house policies and procedures.
It is however important that anyone attending the workshop should already have a good working knowledge of the Data Protection Act and The GDPR. Our related courses on the GDPR and PECR provide the necessary background information for those needing to refresh their knowledge on data protection.
In a lively interactive workshop, participants focus on: –
- What is a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)?
- Definition of Privacy and Intrusion
- Aim and Purpose of a PIA
- Benefits of a PIA
- Information Commissioners Code of Practice for PIAs
- Key laws relating to Privacy and Intrusion
- Definition of High Risks to Privacy
- Impact of High Risks for the Individual/Organisation and
- Compliance
- Eight Potential High Risks
- Nine Different Steps an organisation can take to reduce High Risks
- The PIA Screening Process
- The Six Steps after Screening
- Reconciling the Screening and Six Steps with Data Protection Act/GDPR
- Step by step live case study of a PIA with feedback
Please Note: We always respect client privacy and confidentiality. We do not collate any identifiable delegate information on our course feedback forms. We only publish comments where express permission for marketing and promotional use, has been given. The majority of delegates do not give this permission.
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