Our one-hour lecture style courses enable the whole workforce to receive high quality, focussed, training with minimal time off job. They are perfect for multi-topic group training and inset days.
We can align content and delivery times to meet your needs, this includes early morning, evening, lunch times – even weekends
One Hour Training Course Topics
We are happy to consider delivering elements of any of our courses through our one-hour series – the following for example, appear highly appropriate.
- EDI – Equality Diversity and Inclusion
- GDPR/PECR – preventing breaches
- Preventing Sexual Harassment – for staff
- Worker Protection Act – awareness
- Preventing Bullying and Harassment
- Menopause Awareness
- Modern Slavery Awareness
- Writing Defensible Documents
- Redundancy
- Appraisals
- Working with Volunteers
Content and Style
Course content for each course is, typically, built around the following
- Understanding the need for change
- The drivers and challenges
- Fines and Penalties
- Implications for the organisation and staff
- Good Practice for the Organisation and Staff
- Any Questions – (for client response and needs analysis
- VAT is applied to the costs below at 20%
- One-hour lectures base cost – £795
- No restrictions on delegate numbers
- Recording of sessions – £200 – for
- Internal use only
- CPD certification, when ordered in advance, – £0.50/delegate
Once the course date and time has been agreed, the client books the session on their video conferencing platform and issues invites to all potential participants, including our trainer.
The trainer and a lead representative commence the session 15 minutes early and verify all is working correctly. The session is opened at the appropriate time and after initial introductions by the client control is passed to our trainer. Control is passed back to the client organisation before the final question and answer session. The client answers staff questions with assistance from our trainer if needed.
The course closes and the client responds to any outstanding questions.
CPD certificates are not usually supplied for our one-hour lecture series but are available on request at extra cost.
Quotes, Dates and Times
Please contact us to arrange dates and content