Meeting the PREVENT Duty – for teachers, trainers and support staff
PREVENT is part of the Government’s longer-term counter-terrorism strategy to stop people becoming radicalised, supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves. PREVENT focuses on preventing all forms of radicalisation and terrorism. It aims to provide support and redirection to vulnerable individuals and those at risk of being groomed in to terrorist activity. It is categorised as part of the “Safeguarding” agenda.
Those working in the educational and young people’s sectors are considered to be in a pivotal position, legislation requires teaching, training and learning providers, in the exercise of their functions, to pay due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism. There is a statutory duty on UK educational organisations to demonstrate that they are taking positive action to combat radicalisation and extremism, and prevent it building into potential or real terrorism.
Consequently all those working in the public, educational and young/vulnerable persons sectors need to understand the overarching aims of the PREVENT strategy and what they need to do to support it
This one-day workshop is to bring participants up to date on the latest developments in terms of PREVENT and provide a platform to review the strategies they currently have in place, how and where these could be improved.
For Whom
this workshop is for teachers, trainers, and learning support staff who have any contact with young people, children, vulnerable adults and/or their carers/parents. The workshop is also available with content aligned to the needs of:
- Managers, Quality Teams, Leaders
- Governors and Governing Body Members
- Organisations, staff and management not involved in teaching and training delivery
Aims and Objectives
to ensure participants understand:
- The objectives and key elements of the Governments PREVENT strategy
- What their professional responsibilities are in relation to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults, children and young people;
- How PREVENT applies to them and what they need to do in role to meet their responsibilities
- The vulnerability factors that can make individuals susceptible to radicalisation or a risk to others
- How they and their organisation can plan, implement, manage and review practical responses to support safeguarding activity in relation to radicalisation and extremism.
- How they can demonstrate action in its compliance with the legislative requirements for prevention of radicalisation and extremism.
- PREVENT – Key Definitions and Terms
- British Values
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
- Extremism
- Radicalisation
- Other key terms such as terrorism, de-radicalisation and vulnerabilities
- Scope, rationale and background of the PREVENT Duty
- The Prevent Duty
- The impact of Brexit on the Counter Terrorism agenda
- The Legislative Framework for Prevent
- Other related key laws & regulations
- Key agencies
- “Channel” – the multi-agency approach for supporting those at risk
- Pros and Cons
- Subjective v Objective Assessments
- Promoting British Values
- Ofsted’s Expectations
- six expectations of training staff
- four expectations of support staff
- Curriculum & Training Programme Content
- promoting British values through teaching and training
- exemplifying and integrating British values
- Identifying and Responding to Radicalisation
- Types of Extremism including:
- Religious
- Right Wing
- Left Wing
- Pathological
- Issue Orientated
- Separatist
- Vulnerabilities
- impact of influence on vulnerable individuals direct, indirect and internet
- Spotting the signs
- potential indicators that an individual might be vulnerable to radicalisation
- Responding to signs and potential causes of concern
- Organisational Policies and Procedures
- The initial response
- Who to contact and seek advice from if they have concerns a vulnerable individual is being radicalised or groomed into terrorist type activity.
- Sources of professional help and guidance
- The importance of sharing information and the consequences of failing to do so
- Managing Conflicts of interest
- Who to contact and seek advice from if they have concerns a vulnerable individual is being radicalised or groomed into terrorist type activity.
- Sources of further information
- How PREVENT links up other appropriate corporate policies and procedures
- Other corporate policies that may link to Prevent
- Maintaining awareness of latest policies and responsibilities
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