Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training Course

This equality, diversity and inclusion training course updates participants on the latest developments relating to the Equality Act 2010, equality and diversity, inclusion, DEI, EDI legislation and good practice.

More importantly, it demonstrates what effective implementation really looks like and provides a wide range of highly practical ideas, hints and tips. There are many instances when initiatives are introduced in good faith but are often far from good practice and can even be discriminatory.  This course helps you avoid them.

Sexual harassment, discrimination, employment tribunals and fines are constantly making the news headlines. Annual Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training is essential for managers and staff across all businesses and organisations.

Whilst lighter touch training is applicable to staff, all Managers and HR Teams need to have a robust understanding of the latest equality laws and equality legislation, changes to “Protected Characteristics”, good practice and the do’s and don’ts in key areas, such as the following:

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Bullying and other forms of Harassment
  • Menopause
  • Neurodiversity
  • Transgender and Trans vocabulary
  • Racialism, Antisemitism and Xenophobia
  • The WOKE Agenda
  • Misogyny
  • Affirmative Action
  • Gender Pay
  • Gender Income Inequality
  • Disability Discrimination
  • Culture Diversity
For Whom
The workshop is designed to help participants understand and apply equality and diversity legislation effectively. It is suitable for representatives from all organisations and businesses, especially Operational Managers, HR teams and Directors who have to lead and address issues when they arise.
The course focusses on the latest developments in terms of legislation, current thinking and good practice. It illustrates how many EDI initiatives, instigated in good faith, can be fundamentally flawed and fail due to poor understanding effective practice. In doing so the workshop helps participants understand what a robust approach to EDI looks like and provides a raft of valuable guidance. In doing so it also reduces the perceived burden of implementation whilst simultaneously helping to improve overall effectiveness in meeting equality and diversity requirements.
The economic, legal and demographic drivers which are currently shaping equality, diversity and inclusion issues
  • How the above drivers impact upon service delivery, employment and stakeholders
  • EDI related legislation with signposts about the impact of recent judicial decisions
  • Updates and changes to EDI related legislation
  • Prevailing good practice on equality diversity and inclusion
  • New concepts and terms on discrimination and allied issues
  • EDI inspection – what external scrutiny regimes are looking for when they inspect EDI
  • How to reconcile latest developments with existing employment and service delivery policies, protocols and procedures
  • Signposts sources of external information and advice
Additionally participants will be shown how to undertake basic, but effective, EDI impact analysis with templates to implement more advanced impact measures back in the workplace.
Everyone attending the course will have the opportunity to carry out a snapshot equality audit of their existing policies which will, after the event, provide the basis for developing further specific action points in at least six key areas
  • Corporate Governance
  • Human Resources
  • Access to Services
  • Service User Involvement
  • Partnerships and Stakeholders
  • Bullying and Harassment, including sexual harassment


Please Note: We always respect client privacy and confidentiality. We do not collate any identifiable delegate information on our course feedback forms. We only publish comments where express permission for marketing and promotional use, has been given.  The majority of delegates do not give this permission. 

Previous delegate comments include:

  • Excellent
  • Case studies bring subject to life
  • I’d enjoy another session it was so interesting
  • Lots of case studies which helped bring the legislation to life
  • It was very effective
  • very engaging, useful training
  • Good knowledgeable trainer
  • Excellent !


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MORE - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Courses