Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures

Disciplinary and Grievance Disputes at work are expensive, stressful and disruptive for both employers and employees alike. They need to be managed professionally and thoughtfully to prevent escalation and tribunals.

This training helps

Most employers and employees agree that early, constructive discussion can produce effective win-win solutions before problems escalate and working relationships break down. If the dispute is not solved and results in a tribunal case, both sides face a protracted, unsettling experience.

  1. Sexual Harassment
  2. Theft and Fraud
  3. Breach of health and safety policies
  4. Work overload leading to stress
  5. Inequality with terms and conditions of work

These are just five of the most common disciplinary and grievance issues in today’s world of work. Just ten years ago some of these issues did not have the same high profile. The world of work is changing. New issues, a faster pace and higher expectations generates an ever increasing number of performance issues and disputes.

When situations do occur, they should be dealt with professionally and efficiently applying the standards expected of all employees. The agreed procedures should be followed at all times. They are in place to establish consistency across the organisation and provide a sound framework specific to these situations.

Equally, inappropriate behaviour at work needs handling in an appropriate but fair manner. Dignity at work allied to an employer’s lawful expectations of staff will be easier to achieve and maintain if a consistent, structured and transparent approach is taking towards conduct issues.

All Managers have responsibilities to ensure that all staff are aware of expected organisational standards, and should themselves role model good behaviours and standards. Their department or pocket of the organisation should exemplify and reward good behaviours and conduct.

When dealing with a disciplinary or grievance, they should investigate thoroughly before arriving at any conclusion or decision. They must be free of bias or interference. Even for the most experienced manager this can be a challenge. Being trained in disciplinary and grievance procedures makes the job far easier and improves the probability that a win-win solution will be found before the issue escalates.

Each situation will be individually unique; the process however should remain consistent.

For Whom
This one day workshop is designed for Managers and HR personnel at all levels and from all sectors.

Aims and Objectives
The course provides participants with the technical, organisational and soft skills necessary to develop and manage disciplinary and grievance policies and procedures. The ACAS Code of Practice and the expectations of the Employment Act feature heavily throughout this workshop. We can also include a “health check” on your existing policies and procedures if required

The course draws upon the provisions of the Employment Act 2009, all UK Equality laws, the ACAS and EHRC Codes of Practice, European Directives, Access to Medical Records Act 1988 and the Data Protection Act and includes:

  • Purpose of the Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
  • Communicating Rules and Standards
  • Confidentiality & Record Keeping
  • Support Arrangements
  • Informal Resolution
  • Immediate Suspension
  • Representation
  • Investigations
  • Arranging a Formal Disciplinary Hearing
  • Evaluating evidence – the balance of probabilities
  • Conducting Hearings
  • Deciding on a penalty
  • Confirming the Outcome
  • Appeals
  • Special Cases
  • Processing Grievance Issues
  • Conducting Grievance investigations
  • Defensible Documentation
  • Determining outcomes and appropriate sanctions


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